101 Ways To Be Sexy 'Til Seventy And Beyond: How to treat your woman differently and make

101 Ways To Be Sexy 'Til Seventy And Beyond: How to treat your woman differently and make

Matematika Nilai dari ekspresi lim x mendekati 0 = 1 - cos² 2x / x sin 2x ​

Nilai dari ekspresi lim x mendekati 0 = 1 - cos² 2x / x sin 2x ​

Penjelasan dengan langkah-langkah:

[tex] = \lim \limits_{x \to0} \frac{1 - \cos {}^{2} (2x) }{x \sin(2x) } [/tex]

[tex] = \lim \limits_{x \to0} \frac{ \sin {}^{2} (2x) }{ x\sin(2x) } [/tex]

[tex] = \lim \limits_{x \to0} \frac{ \sin(2x) }{x} [/tex]

[tex] = 2[/tex]
